Centre Wellington District High School
2014-2015 Course Outline
Dance, Grade 10, Open, ATO 201(Martial Arts)
Self-Defense—Sport—Way of Life
Teacher: Mr. Gessner (ogessner@ugcloud.ca)
Course Description
This course requires students to develop their martial arts skills and learn the theoretical basis for working with anatomical structure in executing martial arts movements. Student learning will include the processes that form the basis for self defense; the historical development of various martial arts; students’ own aesthetic appreciation of martial arts as they participate in class, rehearsals, and performances; and the specialized vocabulary of martial arts criticism.
Prerequisite: None
Where the course leads: ATO 3MI
Main Text: Course duotang (replacement cost $10.00)
Course fee: $25. If you already have a martial arts uniform (or purchase one on your own), no fee is required.
Rank: white belt to yellow belt
The following Ministry of Education Strands provides a framework for this course:
1) Theory 2) Practical/Creation 3) Analysis
Practical/Creation | Theory/Analysis | Essential Summatives |
Striking techniques | Safety/first aid Anatomy | Practical demonstration Written unit test Warm up #1 |
Locking techniques | Body mechanics History/culture Philosophy | Practical demonstration Martial arts career research report Written unit test |
Throwing techniques | Competition rules | Practical demonstration Warm up #2 |
Grappling techniques | Legal issues | Practical demonstration Written unit test |
Assessment and Evaluation
Term Work (see Summatives) 70 Culminating Activities 30
Knowledge/Understanding 20 Rehearsal 4.5
Inquiry/Thinking 10 Choreography 6
Communication 10 Self-analysis 4.5
Application 30 Performance 15
Course Policies
Learning Skills
- Learning skills are related to successful student learning and are embedded in instruction. Student are expected to continue to develop their learning skills (responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation) throughout their high school career.
- Regular attendance is essential for success. Absence from class leads to missed opportunities to demonstrate learning, thereby placing a credit in jeopardy. When an absence occurs it is the student's responsibility to obtain and complete missed work.
Cell phones and Electronic Devices
- These are to be powered off and put away during class unless express permission to do so is given by the teacher. After an initial warning, electronic devices will be confiscated and turned into the office, to be picked up by parents.
Academic Integrity
- Academic integrity means students honestly disclose authorship, assistance or group cooperation when submitting work. academic dishonesty is a deliberate misrepresentation of work and is dealt with Centre Wellington’s Academic Integrity Policy. For more details the Academic Integrity Policy is available on our school’s website.
- See the following link for a PowerPoint tutorial: http://library.acadiau.ca/tutorials/plagiarism/
Other Important Information
- Summative products submitted past the due date will be subject to deductions in grading in accordance with the CWDHS late and missed assignments policy, may not receive detailed assessment, and may be graded as a pass only.
- It may be required that summative products not submitted on time will be produced on demand.
- If you experience printer failure at home, share the document with me on the ugcloud, then print it yourself at the school. Students are responsible for printing their own assignments.
- Food is not permitted in the classroom. Reusable water bottles are encouraged.
- Safety is the most important concern in the dojo. Students who are unable to follow instructions, train recklessly, bully, or attempt to injure another student, may be withdrawn from the course.
* See “Dojo Rules and Procedures” http://www.cwdhsmartialarts.ca/dojo-rules-procedures/ or classroom bulletin board) for specifics.
Important Websites: